by timshazz | Oct 14, 2015 | Bicycle Touring, Cycling through Europe
After our great experience with Latvian rural hospitality, we were mentally and physically rejuvenated. With significant fossil deposits in the adjoining valley, the temptation to stay another night at Plost Krog’s and do some fossicking was high for me (Tim)....
by timshazz | Aug 22, 2015 | Bicycle Touring, Cycling through Europe
One of the most difficult things for us to believe when we crossed the Estonian-Latvian border was that we’d only cycled a total of about 300km in Estonia. Compared to Australia, the Baltic States are tiny. That being said it was late afternoon and still about 120 km...
by timshazz | Jul 23, 2015 | Bicycle Touring, Cycling through Europe
I’m digressing a bit from the sequence of the trip to highlight a powerful lesson in hospitality. Mother Nature has continued her challenging ways and the actions of one small guesthouse, in the middle of rural Latvia, turned a grumpy, potential complainant into...