Bicycle Touring

As travelers, we came to bicycle touring late. What made us give up our backpacks and trade them in for panniers…

In a nutshell, we met an amazing group of intrepid cyclists in a cute little hostel in the capital of Kyrgyzstan – Bishkek,  You can read all about it those life-changing decisions HERE.

So far we’ve completed 6 big tours, starting with a 7000 km “test run” across our home country, Australia. Since then we’ve done some serious km in Europe, North America, and had a mid-COVID ride from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. 

We’re not the oldest, the youngest, the fittest or the slowest out there on the road. We’re not hard core. We don’t feel the need to ride every km, nor stick it out in uncomfortable weather. But we do love the lifestyle and we’ve met hundreds of amazing people out enjoying this incredible mode of transport too.

Below you will find a summary of each tour and you can click on the link to learn more if you’re interested in reading about how it all panned out. Spoiler alert – some didn’t go quite as expected! 

If you want to know more about our bicycles, riding, and camping gear, then head over to the BICYCLE TOURING BASICS page where you’ll find all the specs plus a heap of excellent resources to help you plan your own cycling tour.

 Camping above the Arctic Circle in Finland

Trusted Housesitters Discount link
Bicycle touring in finland

Bicycle Touring Basics

Want to know more about how and why we started bicycle touring, the specifications of our bike, the gear we carry, and the organizations that help keep us safely on the road, then HEAD HERE!

Al Hajor mountains, Oman


Our first big cycling tour was a mere 7000 km from Perth on the west coast of Australia to Brisbane on the east, via the Nullabor.  If you want to know how two unfit novice cyclists faired then HEAD HERE!

Tim Kotor

Cycling Europe

Starting 600 km above the Arctic Circle in Norway, we wove our way down through Eastern and Central Europe to Budapest, Hungary. 14 countries and lots of adventures. Want more details about the journey? HEAD HERE!

Glacier National Park Montana

Cycling Nth America – Pt 1

Our first attempt at cycling across North America. We started in Central Ontario and got all the way to Montana before getting stopped by wildfires and heading for the Pacific North West. Learn more about it HERE!

Tim Kotor

Cycling Nth America – Pt 2

Not content that we’d had to stop the previous years because of wildfires, we headed back to try our hand at crossing the Rocky’s again. Were we successful? HEAD HERE to find out!

Glacier National Park Montana

Cycling Vietnam

From the capital Hanoi in the north to the bustling metropolis, Ho Chi Minh City (AKA Saigon) in the south. This journey was one that definitely didn’t turn out as planned. Curious? Then HEAD HERE!

Disclosure: Note that some of the links and advertisements and links, on this page  (such as those to WayAway) lead to products from our partners. If you buy something after using those links, we may earn a small commission from the sale. However, you have our assurance that you won’t pay any more than you would by buying directly from their site. And we promise that we don’t link to products or companies we haven’t used ourselves or had close friends, family, or travel buddies recommend. You may also see other links served to you by Google. These will display products that Google thinks you want to see. If you click on those advertisements, we also get paid a small (minuscule) amount. If you want to know more about how you help to fund our travels without costing you a cent – then CLICK THIS LINK for a more comprehensive explanation.