Road Trips
Sometimes, the distances are just too far to explore an area on our bicycles in the time we have available. If the public transport on offer isn’t suitable to get us where we want to go for a reasonable price then there’s no better way to explore than to hire a car, crack out the sampling gear, grab some supplies, and hit the road.
We’ve done several big trips in Australia but they were in our pre-internet days. So, you’ll have to meet up with us for a beer to hear about those until we get back home to do some more.
However, in recent years we’ve done some epic trips around Canada, the US national parks in the southwest, and Oman. You’ll find all the details in the links below.
We’ve also worked out plenty of ways to reduce the costs associated with an epic road trip – from reducing the rental costs themselves, and getting the best value insurance, to getting kitted out for self-catering and camping, and finding cheap (and sometimes FREE) places to stay. You’ll find all of those tips in the blogs themselves with a summary on the Road Trip Tips page.
We hope you enjoy the stories and find some inspiration and ideas for your own adventures.
Note: We split this page out from the Overlanding section, because these trips were done independently. In contrast, our overlanding trips were done with a group, and we thing that disctinction warranted it’s own category.
Please let us know what you think in the comments below. And, if you’ve had some awesome road trip experiences, then feel free to tell us where you think we should road trip next.

Road Trip Tips
If you want to learn how we’ve saved a load of money when road tripping AND find the best deals on car rental, car rental insurance, food, accommodation, and more when you’re on a road trip, then HEAD HERE!

Road Trip Through Oman
Ten days of independent travel in one of the most fascinating countries in the Middle East. 4-wheel driving, wild camping, hiking in the majestic desert scenery, and more. Find out we did it and where we went HERE!

The Candian Rockies – Pt1
The first part of a 7-day circuit out of Calgary visiting some of the best Canadian scenery on offer – Fort McCleod-Crowsnest Pass-Cranbrook. If you want to know more HEAD HERE!

The Candian Rockies – Pt2
The second part of a 7-day circuit out of Calgary. Golden-Lake Louise-Banff – Canmore. Want to know more? HEAD HERE!

USA National Parks – Pt 1
A 7-day circuit from Las Vegas – Death Valley, Mojave, Joshua Tree, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and the Valley of Fire. Want to know more? Then take a look HERE!

USA National Parks – Pt 2
A 10-day circuit from Las Vegas –Zion, Bryce Canyon, Antelope Canyon, Winslow, Sedona, and the Grand Canyon. Want to know more? Then take a look HERE!
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