
Singapore New Town

  Fast Facts

Official Name: Kazakhstan
Location: Central Asia
Population of Kazakhstan: ~ 5 million
Capital of Kazakhstan: Astana
Kazakh Money: Kazakhstani tenge (KZT) (SGD)
Kazakh Timezone: UTC +6 (UTC+ 5 in the Western part)
Visa Requirements for Kazakhstan:

Most Western nationalities no longer require visas to visit Kazakhstan. Check your eligibility and additional requirements for entry HERE.

However, you may still want to register with your embassy. You can get assistance for doing so HERE.

Things to Do and See in Kazakhstan

Our Experiences in Kazakhstan

In May 2012 Catch Our Travel Bug began a 6-month independent, budget trip along the Silk Route.

In late June we had a rather “character-building” border crossing from China into Kazakhstan.

But after recovering from that we had a fabulous time (but not without its challenges) visiting:

We then headed south into Kyrgyzstan, our second “Stan” on this journey.

Bear in mind that the country has opened up a lot in almost a decade, so many of those challenges won’t be a problem for you. 

Visas are either not needed or easier to get. ATM’s are more prevalent to get cash, and the tourist infrastructure is better. However, COVID-19 has bought a whole new set of challenges, so do your due diligence before heading there, or go with a well-established tour company that can help you avoid any headaches with logistics.

I’ve added a few tour options below:

Guided Tours of Kazakhstan


Not everyone has the time or desire to plan and complete an independent trip. So for those who prefer to have someone else do the organizing, or traveling with a guide, here’s a selection of tours on offer.

Extended Tours

Intrepid Travel has 1 tour specific to Kazakhstan and several others taking in other parts of Central Asia

GAdventures visits Kazakhstan as part of its tours through the other “Stans.”

Tour Radar – Has a good selection of reasonably-priced tours visiting Kazakhstan taking in many of the highlights.

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