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Our Guides, Courses, Templates, & Books.


The Housesitter’s Toolkit

Jumpstart Your Housesitting Adventures With These Essential Guides

The Details

These 5 essential guides will give you everything you need to get a successful profile set up to start looking for sits.

Enjoy immediate access to:

Guide 1: 8 Tips to Create a Winning Housesitting Profile

Guide 2: Perfect Timing – The Best Times for Newbies to Find Their First Housesit. (Pro Tip – It’s RIGHT NOW!)

Guide 3: Housesitting For Less – Exclusive Housesitting Discounts & Deals (Worth over 230 USD!)

Guide 4: Plan B – Essential Risk Management for Savvy Housesitters

Guide 5: Housesitter’s Hub – Top Facebook Groups for Finding your Next Sit (connecting you with over 1.1 million members)

For just $19.95, you’ll walk away with everything you need to set up your housesitting profile, connect with the worldwide housesitting community and start traveling in comfort for less.


The Housesitter’s Roadmap:

A Beginner’s Guide To Getting Your First Sit 


The Details

In just a few days, you’ll have your house-sitting foundation set up and be on your way to securing your first dream sit.

Enjoy immediate access to:

The Housesitter’s Roadmap – split into 8 easy-to-follow steps.

The Workbook – Containing all our checklists, templates, and examples.

Bonus 1 – ‘Perfect Timing – The Best Times for Newbies to Find Their First Housesit.’ (Pro Tip – It’s RIGHT NOW!)

Bonus 2 – Housesitting For Less – Exclusive Housesitting Discounts & Deals (Worth over 230 USD!)

Bonus 3 – Plan B – Essential Risk Management for Savvy Housesitters

Bonus 4 – Housesitter’s Hub – Tp Facebook Groups for Finding your Next Sit (connecting you with over 1.1 million members)

Fo just $77,  you’ll walk away with everything you need to get set up as a housesitter, secure your first sit, and start traveling in comfort for less.


coloring book cover - Color The World

Color The World

Educational activity for children on vacation. Help your kids color some of the world’s most iconic travel destinations.

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