Western Asia

Western Asia refers to the western part of Asia, including the Arabian Peninsula and most countries of the Middle East.

There are 19 countries in Western Asia if you include Palestine (We do!). All but four countries (Armenia, Georgia, Israel, and the Republic of Cyprus) have a Muslim majority.

Approximately 279 million people live in the region (in 2020).

Countries include:

    • Armenia
    • Azerbaijan
    • Bahrain
    • Cyprus
    • Georgia
    • Iran
    • Iraq
    • Israel
    • Jordan
    • Kuwait
    • Lebanon
    • Oman
    • Qatar
    • Saudi Arabia
    • State of Palestine
    • Syria
    • Turkey
    • United Arab Emirates

We’ve managed to travel to 10 of these countries over the years and a couple of them several times. The area has a rich history and culture, and, despite the bad press, we’ve had a wonderful time as independent travlers.

So if you want to know more about any of the countries:

Number 1 – You can select “Destinations” on the menu bar at the top of this page. (Condensed to three lines on the top right on mobile devices). You’ll then see a list of continents and regions with the different countries nested within. Select “Asia,” and you’ll see an option for “Western Asia.” You’ll find the individual countries nestled under there.

Number 2 – Hit the country link in the list above.

Number 3 – Head to the search bar and type in the destination.

Have Fun!

🧭 Happy exploring! 🛫

  Fast Facts

Name: Western Asia
Location: Sits between Europe, Africa, and Central Asia
Population of Western Asia: ~ 279 million
Number of Countries: 19
Highest Mountain: Mt Ararat – 5137 m
Largest Lake: Lake Urmia – Iran
Longest River: Euphrates – 2670 km

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