Backpacking Trips
Many long years ago, in the time before the internet, smart phones, and online booking engines we sold the majority of our possessions and went backpacking around the world. We began the trip in August 1996 and didn’t return to Australia until until Christmas 1999.
For three and a half years we explored 66 countries spanning four continents, Most of the time, (barring six months overlanding in Africa,) it was just us catching trains, buses, sometimes planes, and all manner of other transport to get ourselves around as cheaply as possible. We even bought a trusty old campervan for 18 months to get us around Europe -but you’ll find that adventure in the overlanding section.
When we started there was no real internet. Most of the time the only information we had was the relevant Lonely Planet on a Shoestring guide and tips from other travellers who’d been where we were headed.
It took a full 5 years to plan and save for the trip, but once we were on the road, we didn’t ever want to stop. So we decided to do it again, but this time we wanted to make it a permanent lifestyle choice.
Fast forward to 2010 and our dream of full-time, long-term travel was a reality. The previous 10 years had been spent saving, investing, developing skills we could use to work on the road, and building passive income sources to support our dream. You’ll find a lot of what we learned during that preparation period and since then on our travel tips page.
Even though we’re getting on in years, there’s nothing more we love to do (when we’re not bicycle touring, road tripping, or overlanding) is to throw on our backpacks and head off to explore new (and old) destinations. Below you’ll find some links to a few of our more memorable backpacking adventures, along with tips and resources to make your next backpacking trip as fabulous as possible. You’ll also find links to some of the few occasions, we’ve gone on tours.

Backpacking Tips
The internet really did change everything when it comes to backpacking around the world. But there are still plenty of ways to make your backpacking adventures even better. Take a look at some of our best backpacking tips HERE.

The Silk Route
H…..a brief intro to what we did

Backpacking On Tour
We don’t do tours very often, but when we do it’s always budget and flexible, so we get plenty of opportunity to do our own thing. Take a look at what we thought about tours to India, Morocco, Bangladesh, and Northern Pakistan.

10 weeks in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka, a tiny teardrop island just south of India, has much to offer. Ten weeks and we still didn’t get to see it all! Tropical beaches, incredible wildlife, colonial heritage, and 8 UNESCO World Heritage sites. You can find more HERE.
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