Camping & Outdoor

Flight booking


Camping, hiking, biking, sailing, fishing; we love it all. There’s nothing better than getting out in the fresh air and exploring the best that Mother Nature provides.

So we pulled together this page to highlight some of the gear you might need to explore the great outdoors safely and comfortably.

Section 1 – Provides a selection of resources, including links to outdoor gear companies that we’ve used over the years.

Section 2 – Links to our other posts and pages relevant to camping and outdoor gear.

Of course, resources such as websites, apps, and booking platforms, constantly evolve.

We try to keep up, but please tell us if you know of products, services, and tools you think are superior to those mentioned. We’re always excited to learn about and test new things.

Find your way outside with an

AllTrails – 7-Day Free Trial

Section 1 – Accommodation Resources

Head over to the Camping Gear for Bicycle Touring page to see our current setup.

I need to source the links for our current set up, but it’s not too different from when we started and that information is underneath in Section 2.

We’re usually cycling, not hiking, these days. But there are a couple of excellent apps we recommend for navigation:

Alltrails (has a free 7-day trial) is the iPhone App of the Year and the world’s largest and most trusted outdoor platform with over 60MM users.

Komoot is the other one. But we mainly use this to plot out cycling routes.

Ooops still pulling it all together.

Section 2 – Relevant Posts & Pages

Disclosure: Note that some of the links and advertisements on this page lead to products from our partners. If you buy something after using those links, we may earn a small commission from the sale. However, you have our assurance that you won’t pay any more than you would by buying directly from their site. And we promise to only link to products or companies we’ve used personally, been recommended by trusted family, friends, or travel buddies, or researched thoroughly before adding them to the list. You may also see other links served to you by Google. These will display products that Google thinks you want to see. If you click on those advertisements, we also get paid a small (minuscule) amount. If you want to know more about how you help to fund our travels without costing you a cent – then CLICK THIS LINK for a more comprehensive explanation.