Tim And Sharyn Nilsen

Researching our latest adventure here in Saigon

If you are a regular reader, you may have wondered if we’d dropped off the planet this past couple of months. I apologize for not having put up any new posts, but there are some very good reasons. It doesn’t mean we are not travelling at the moment. It just means we’ve been focused on some new developments and are “travelling in one spot”.

“What???””…you say…”that doesn’t make a lot of sense.” Let me explain…

We are currently living in one of our favourite cities in the world, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam. There are a number of reasons why we have chosen to stop for a while. These are some of them in no particular order.

1. Staying in one spot really allows you to get beneath the surface of a place. My new big project is a website focusing on “Everything Awesome in Saigon”. I’m aiming for http://hohiminhcityhighlights.com to be a one stop shop for anyone wanting to travel here either as a specific destination OR, as a springboard to the rest of Vietnam and the region. Not only will it help to fund future adventures, but it’s driving our enthusiasm for really getting out and enjoying the place. Nothing like expectant readers to get me to do something interesting to write about.

2. I’m studying. I’m hooking up with some of the most successful location independent entrepreneurs, evaluating options for working on the road and developing passive income streams related to our passion. That’s travel in our case, but the principles apply to any interests. YES, our two websites help PAY FOR OUR ITINERANT LIFESTYLE. More on that as results emerge.

3. Our next adventure will take a bit of time to put in place. We’re not even sure where we are going yet. It will, however, involve returning to Australia to collect our bikes and spending the best part of a year on another bike tour. Whether that’s in Europe, Asia or the Americas, we haven’t decided. Whatever we decide, we do need to plan out a route according to weather patterns, places we want to visit and special events we want to attend. Despite being extremely flexible that still takes some time. Check out how we get our inspiration for a trip, Click here and here.

4. There are family reasons why we need to be in one place for a while. We need to be able to fly home to Australia at the drop of a hat and Vietnam is extremely convenient for that purpose. And, if we have to be in one spot for a while then there’s no better place we’d rather be.

5. We have to confess, our cycling trip across Australia cost us far more than we expected. Mainly because we had such a great time. While we fully intended to go super budget, there was just too much on offer to see and do to not consistently break our budget. Read any of the chapters on the Cycle Tour Across Australia page and you’ll easily identify what we spent our money on. So, we’re gathering our funds and building the websites to support the next phase of our lives.

Cheers from Ho Chi Minh City!

Cheers from Ho Chi Minh City!

So until mid next year we will be here in Ho Chi Minh City, developing the new website, hopefully finding time to add new content to this one, planning our next big adventure and teaching English to the amazing Vietnamese people.

If you are interested in keeping up with our current and future adventures then join us on our various social media platforms. We regularly post updates on what’s going on in our lives. It’s normally pretty cool and never, ever boring!

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Follow us on Twitter timshazz@catchourtrvlbug.com and Pinterest Catch Our Travel Bug and,

Check out the new website at http://hochiminhcityhighlights.com and hit the “Follow” button.

Note: I do not receive any payment for this post (or any others on the site for that matter!). I do receive a small amount of money by allowing advertisements on the site and any purchases made through those links.


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