Sussesvlei Nambia

Sussesvlei Nambia

Heading for home…We fly tomorrow for Perth. In the next month we will launch our new website Titled “Catch our Travel Bug”..The tagline is “Sharing our passion for independent, budget travel”. The following is the first blog title “Heading Home”. I hope you’ll all join us when it’s up and running.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away or where you’ve been. When you’re finally heading for home soil you get a funny feeling in your tummy and you can’t help be excited. You may know that it may not  be all it’s cracked up to be but it doesn’t matter. Home is home.

Over 3 years away with a short three week visit to break it up and I’m full up with I don’t know what. I know our pocket is going to get a direct hit. We’ve been in third and second world countries for most of the time. I know my moral and political sensibilities are going to be challenged. We have an election in Australia in September and I’m not on the electoral role for practical reasons. It doesn’t really matter because Tim and I vote for opposite parties so we cancel each other out. But I can’t but help get caught up in the arguments for and against. But I’m really looking forward to being on Australian soil.

I know that after the first couple of polite enquiries most people won’t really care where we’ve been or what we’ve done. Their lives have moved on while we’ve been living OUR dream. There are a few of our friends that live the same dream and who reciprocate in sharing information, aspirations and experiences and that helps us keep in touch with what’s happening out there.  I really appreciate that I have someone I can share the memories with and make plans for the future and wonder at the courage, resilience and fortitude of lone travelers.

As we develop our new blog I hope we can infect our readers with a love of exploration, independent travel and a willingness to see the world from a different point of view. Preferably this would be by visiting places themselves but we are happy for those who cannot to live vicariously through our blogs.

Our next adventure is on home soil but it will be no less adventurous or extraordinary than those that have gone before. I hope you will join us on our travels as we Cycle Across Australia and enjoy an insight to our view of the world.

 Note: I do not receive any payment for this post (or any others on the site for that matter!). I do receive a small amount of money by allowing advertisements on the site and any purchases made through those links.


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